Please, collect your pre-printed credentials at the Player Service Desk at Holiday Inn Vana Nava (Lobby Floor).


There was a change to a credential policy last season enacted by the WTA regarding access to the players’ area. The new policy affects all individuals who require access to this area, meaning all PSTs, who require credentials through players’ WTA UNO account.

To obtain your credentials on-site this year, you are required to create and have an APPROVED profile on Part of this profile creation involves successfully completing the WTA University CES Safeguarding Course. It is important to note that each profile must be associated with a unique email address.

Please be advised that the WTA takes up to 24 hours to approve these profiles. Therefore, you must complete your profile well in advance of your intended collection date. Regrettably, without this prior approval, we will be able to issue a temporary credential with access only to courts but not into the Player Area. 

For any credential-related requests or questions, Jana is your go-to person. | +420 773 616 320 (WhatsApp)